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제 22 호 In the Middle of the Year

  • 작성일 2024-06-06
  • 좋아요 Like 0
  • 조회수 4019


In the Middle of the Year

by Ji-Min Baek, Editor-in-chief


  Half of the year is over and the semester is winding down. I am curious about how you all spent your semester. It may or may not have been enjoyable or satisfactory, but I hope each of you found some fulfillment.

  I understand that you are currently under a lot of stress as you prepare for your finals. That’s why resting is becoming more precious these days. Rest and health care are vital aspects of self-care, and I believe they contribute significantly to our ability to accomplish our goals, such as studying and working. I hope you take good care of yourself, preparing for your finals and final projects.

  It feels like just yesterday that I wrote the editorial for the beginning of the semester, but I feel that time passes really fast now that I am writing the editorial for the June issue. Our upcoming summer break will also fly by. I hope you enjoy the time to relieve the stress of the end of the semester and prepare for the next steps of your life.

  I wish you all success and happiness as you wrap up the semester amidst your busy daily life. Good luck on your finals!